Ukulele Player, Sydney

What is the pre-occupation with guitarist/singers?
Typically, when a pub hires a solo musician, you see someone sitting on a stool, staring at an ipad playing the same four-chord songs as every other solo musician. What you end up with is the “McDonald’s hamburger” version of pop music. The music is bland and generic, and the connection with the audience is non-existent.
In recent years, singers using ipads has become common place. As a professional singer with twenty-plus years of live experience, I am appalled. I am “old-school” in my view that lyrics and chords need to be memorized. Singing lyrics off an ipad is simply laziness on behalf of the performer. Can you imagine watching a film where the actors are reading the script off an ipad?  When I perform, I pride myself on making connections with the people I am performing to.

The Ukulele

The ukulele is associated with the island of Hawaii, but it’s origins are actually from Portugal. Portuguese immigrants to Hawaii brought with them a small, four-stringed guitar-like instrument called the Machete. This was adapted by the Hawaiians into what is now the ukulele. A rough translation of “ukulele” is jumping flea.


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